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Malotira is a rare endemic Cretan flower that has been used for its therapeutic properties since the time of the ancient Greeks. Known since the age of Dioskourides (1st Century A.D), it took its name (Sideritis) from its ability to heal wounds made from iron pieces (sidiros means iron in Greek language). According to Greek tradition, it was used as a panacea for any illness, while recent studies have proved the special attributes of the plant.


Its preparation as an herbal tea expresses its fragrance and a trove of beneficial properties i.e. Antiviral, Antibacterial, Diuretic, Tonic, Antioxidant, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory. It offers great support for your immune system especially when you come down with a cold.


Around 99 different active ingredients have been identified and one of the most interesting finds is that it can be drunk in big doses and continually without negative effects. This means that it is an ideal herb to use regularly in order to strengthen you body's immune system and general well being.


Recent medical studies have also shown that Malotira fights cancer and helps to cure and delay osteoporosis. The latest findings about the positive effects as to osteoporosis has been studied by a group of scientists at the University of Athens.

Wildcrafted Cretan Malotira

  • PREPARATION: Infuse 2-3 cut stems in 1 cup of just under boiling water for 7 minutes. Add honey to taste.


    PRECAUTIONS No contraindications or side effects of its uses.


    DISCLAIMER This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, heal, mitigate, or remedy disease. It is for educational purposes only. As a treatment, it should be implemented with the consent of your healthcare practitioner.

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